
Never used to believe these...

Horoscopes are a funny thing.

I used to think they were a bunch of bull shit because there are 1000+ websites and newspapers that are spitting daily rants of useless information for that zodiac sign reader.

Well, despite all that, I downloaded this app on my blackberry that does daily horoscopes because my roommate lauren did on her G1 and I became intrigued as they seemed semi interesting to what was going on in my life.

Point is: I've been reading that shit and it's been creeping me out at how on point parts of the horoscope are. It's like getting advice from a stranger who knows nothing about your life, but somehow they're able to relate to what you're experiencing.

My horoscope today reads this:
Do not wait for fantasy to develop into reality while you sit at home deeply engrossed in television. To achieve what you desire, an effort will have to be made by going out and getting what you want.

This can apply to any life/person/situation.

Carpe Diem bitches. Don't wait around.

Better now, than when it's too late.